WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. — Donald Trump honed his attacks on Vice President Harris, the likely Democratic nominee, in a speech at the Turning Point USA Believers’ Summit in West Palm Beach Friday night, calling her “the most incompetent, unpopular and far-left vice president in American history,” blaming her for high numbers of migrant apprehensions at the southern border and ...

Former president Donald Trump was shot in the ear by a bullet or a bullet fragment during the assassination attempt at one of his campaign rallies, the FBI said Friday, responding to an outcry sparked when FBI Director Christopher A. Wray testified Wednesday that the former president and Republican nominee was wounded by either a bullet or shrapnel. For nearly ...

Patrick Byrne, who has funded efforts to undermine the results of the 2020 election, said in an online forum Thursday that law enforcement would face “a piano wire and a blowtorch” if they did not drop a case against an ally. Byrne, a former CEO of online retailer Overstock, used the phrase half a dozen times Thursday as he participated ...

President Biden is no longer running for reelection, but former president Donald Trump and his Republican allies seem determined to keep him in the spotlight for weeks to come. For years, the GOP laid the groundwork for an election centered on Biden, his record and his fitness for office. Now that his reelection bid is over — and Vice President ...

Lurking beneath Democrats’ ebullience this week is the reality that their new likely 2024 presidential nominee could be a tough sell to swing voters. Vice President Harris has gotten a bump in her image ratings since she jumped into the race, but polls show she remains unpopular, on balance. What’s more, Republicans have some real fodder for pitching Harris as ...

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu arrived in Florida on Friday for a meeting with former president Donald Trump at a time of political tension between their countries and personal tension between the two men, who were once close allies. The pair worked closely when Trump was president, but he was incensed when Netanyahu called to congratulate Joe Biden on his ...

Former president Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama endorsed Vice President Harris for president on Friday, becoming the final key leaders in the Democratic Party to unite behind Harris after President Biden abandoned his bid for a second term. A video posted on social media shows the Obamas calling Harris to inform her of their endorsement. “We called to ...

Vice President Harris is in a two-week sprint to lock in a running mate after President Biden’s stunning decision to end his reelection campaign, a search that suddenly elevates the potential political assets — and vulnerabilities — of the Democratic Party’s bench. Harris is considering roughly a dozen potential vice-presidential candidates, though allies say three have risen to the top: ...

When then-Sen. Kamala D. Harris (D-Calif.) called Rep. Frederica S. Wilson (D-Fla.) in January 2019 to tell her she planned to run for president, the veteran Florida lawmaker with a penchant for festive headgear started screaming with excitement before Harris could finish her sentence. But as soon as Wilson hung up, another call came in — this time, from Joe ...

While Donald Trump’s agenda and a massive think tank document clearly indicate his second-term strategy for federal workers, nothing captures those plans as succinctly as a statement made by his running mate. If Sen. JD Vance (Ohio), the Republican vice-presidential nominee, were to give Trump “one piece of advice,” he said in 2021, it would be “fire every single mid-level ...